Sunday 3 December 2017

Practical Tips For Painting Your Home

Some renovations can be done as DIY projects. Painting certain surfaces of your home is one of the simplest tasks, especially when using washable paint, for exterior or interior surfaces.

Here are some aspects that you must know before starting such a project on your own.

Purchasing the paint

The type and the amount of paint depend on the area where it will be applied, as well as on the desired effect.  If you are thinking of painting your kitchen cabinets make sure you buy enough paint to account for absorption, there is no need to paint the natural pull out drawers within your cabinetry.

Surface preparation

A correct application of the paint is on surfaces cleaned of previous paints, dust and any other impurities. If necessary, the surface must also be leveled and smoothed.

Choosing the necessary tools

You will need:

  • natural hair brushes
  • paint rollers and trays
  • sprayer
  • hawk and trowel
  • masking tape

Optimal climate conditions for applying the paint

If in the case of interior construction projects, the weather conditions do not raise any concern, allowing the work to be done even in colder temperatures, in the case of outdoor painting, it is necessary to respect some rules.

Schedule your work during warm seasons, for both your comfort and the success of your DIY painting project. Low temperatures slow down the application process, walls will dry more slowly and the fresh paint can be altered by dust. However, you should also avoid painting at more than 35 degrees C, on surfaces exposed directly to the sun.


Original Post right here: Practical Tips For Painting Your Home

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